Sunday 11 December 2011

Evaluation question1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I think that or music video mostly conforms with the general convention of our chosen music genre which is British urban music the general conventions for this type of music is far shots train one dominant role normally shown as a working-class person in working-class locations. I think the video conforms to most of these general conventions because we filmed all of our shots in urban locations we also used our main actors Sam Dempstar and Lucy Hyner who both fit the look that we were trying to portray in our music video of being young and living in a working-class environment. Another way that I think are the video conforms to the general conventions of our chosen genre is that we have short shots as is quite fast paced song this is important because if we didn't the music video would look as if it did not fit with the song. One way I think we challenged the general conventions or chosen genre is that we show Sam Dempstar towards the end of the song is being quite vulnerable as he is stalking Lucy and obsessing over this is not commonly done our genre of music videos because the main singer is normally shown is quite dominant role with all the power also I think in our music video we go against the Laura Mulvey theory. This theory states that women are shown through the male eyes this means that women are normally wearing very little clothing and dancing in a seductive way. In our music video we challenge this music video theory because we portray Lucy as the person with all the power and Sam as the person that is in trouble and at the mercy of Lucy. In this music video we try to use a lot of wit this is not a common aspect seen music videos of this genre.

Another music video theory that control links with in a music video is the Andrew Goodwin theory this states that there are certain links between music videos and the song itself for example, if the song is singing about a man in a pub than more often than not there will be a man a pub in the music video. Also it states that if the song has quite fast rhythm to it then in the music video it is often fast paced with quite bright colours.

I think that the music video we have made conforms with this theory because there is quite a linear correlation between the song and the video we have produced for example in the song when Mike Skinner sings about drinking we show Sam Dempstar in a pub drinking alcohol. Another example of this is in uneasy video where Mike Skinner sings the line
 “Snaring you as you were standing there opposite
Whether or not you knew it I swear you didn't tick

we have Sam sitting across from Lucy on benches in a high Street, Sam is obviously looking at Lucy but Lucy seemed oblivious to this. This fits in very well with the Andrew Goodwin theory.

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