Sunday 18 December 2011

Evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

New forms of technology have played a massive role in the production or three pieces of media and in the three stage process of creating them, planning, production, evaluation.

First piece of media outlets talk about blogger. Bloggers played a massive role in all three stages of this process because it is the method that we use to submit our work. It is also a great way to access work we have done from all over the world at any time as long as you have access to the Internet. Some of the biggest benefits of using blogger are that you can I upload multimedia files in many different formats and also upload information from websites such as prezzi, wordle and youTube. Also blogger is a very organised system because before uploading the blog post you can title it and when you publish your post it saves the date and time that it was published and orders them by this system you can also search for a blog post by its title which saves you time sifting through all the other posts you done.

Another piece of crucial technology that we used is high-performance Apple Mac computers these are very important pieces of technology because it is what we did all of the editing work, so they played the biggest role when we was in the production stage of our task. The reason these computers are really good for editing is that there were very large hard drive, high-quality graphics card and large amounts of RAM compared to the computer so we have for general use around school along with other things. The reason these things are necessary for editing is that it takes up a lot of memory and processing ability to do.

The program that we used for a video editing is called Final Cut Pro is only supported by Apple hardware Final Cut Pro is a very high quality professional editing software takes a lot of knowledge to use well. The biggest positive reason of using Final Cut Pro is the final product you finish up with because it's such a professional piece of equipment when used well it makes your entire work look very professional. The downside of Final Cut Pro is that because it's professional and complex to use is very easy to get confused to make big mistakes as we found out when using it.

Piece of software ever used for photo manipulation was Photoshop CS3 once again is a very professional piece of equipment used in the media industry. The way that it works is you build a final image through making slight changes to an image and layering these changes on top of each other which gives you a final product which can be very different to the picture he started with. The biggest downside of using this product is that it takes a lot of skill to use properly and if you don't have a basic knowledge of how to use Photoshop you can waste a lot of time playing around with things trying to work out. Another downside to these two pieces of software earlier both very expensive to buy and equally expensive to have training in using properly.

Two other pieces of technology that played a crucial role in the production or music video digipak an advert are of course HD video camera for the film needed and the directors commentary for our music video a digital voice recorder. Firstly I’m going to talk about is the HD video camera, I’d say the most important piece of technology that we had at our disposal without this we wouldn't of been able to film or take pictures needed for the production of our music video, digipak and advert some of the biggest advantages of using HD video camera is that all of the footage you film is in really good quality and the cameras battery is good so we could take it out for the whole day filming without it running out also they can hold a lot of film without running out of memory. The down side to these types of technology is they are normally very expensive but over all they are well worth the money

Thursday 15 December 2011


the first half of the music video Sam is portrays as someone who is obsessing over and stalking the female character in this music video played by Lucy's this is shown by Sam staring at a picture of Lucy in the first few shots of the video then continues to be a trait throughout the video. The first 38 seconds of this video is a montage of Sam we do this because it lets you straightaway identify with the character, so that you understand he's a bit of a lad this helps set the mood for the rest of the video. We portray Sam a bit of a lad because this conforms with the general convention of our chosen genre.
Chip shop seen the video is nice because it shows that staring at Lucy, and Lucy idly looking back at him when Sam sees this he starts daydreaming about him Sitting on the swings of Lucy at this point he loses place queue.
It then cuts to a shots of Sam standing behind and around Lucy looking over her shoulder singing the chorus. It then has a shot of Lucy saying are you smoking crack or something. This is a big turning point in the song because after this there are lots more shots that show Sam stalking Lucy for example Sam picking up Lucys cash machine receipt. This shows a big switch of power from your normal music video because Lucy has the power Sam is to be shown as helpless. After this there is a montage of Sam looking upset and drinking

Evaluation question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From the focus group we did at the end of production we learned that our focus group did not think that our digipak fitted very well with our music video because the colours did not seem to match. In our digipak we used a lot of grey but in our music that you use a lot of bright colours, after hearing this we have decided to go back and change our digipak so there is bright and fits better with a video. Another negative that we learn from the focus group is that there are one or two shots in our video that did not seem to give anything to the overall once again after hearing this we decided to take these shots out and replaced with more meaningful shots the two shots that they did not agree with are, one of Sam pulling a funny face they did not like this shot because it broke the image we had built up of Sam being a gangster bit of a lad. The second shot that the feedback from the focus group said that they did not like was one of the last shots of when Sam is meant to be very drunk the sure it is of some jumping around in the field with his arms flapping with the church in the background looking very happy to focus group said the shot does not fit because in this part of the music video is meant to be portraying Sam to be upset as he's been let down by Lucy who has ignored him for a “white shirted man”.

On the positive side the audience feedback we got in general from music video was very very good something that was also good is that the audience were still laughing at the part in our music video that were meant to be funny our music video after seeing it tree four times also they were very complimentary of our choice of actors for this music video and agreed with us and the fact that Sam and Lacy fit the roles that they were casted for perfectly. They also said that we do a very good job of selling the identity of my main character as there were some very nice close-up shots of Sam's face.

In the future things that we can improve on from comments made by teachers during lessons is to have a more structured storyboard from the start as this led to a few problems in editing stages of a music video. Also from comments made in the focus group at the end I think we need to take more time care and attention in the design of the digipak in the future.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

A house style when designing many pieces of media to sell one product is very important because it lets the audience know straightaway what they are looking at. If the audience sees an advert street or in a shop window they can instantly identify this advert with a product is very beneficial to the people who tried to sell the product because if the owners like the look of the advert they can go and find the product without much difficulty which subsequently will increase the sales of the product.
 Another reason why hostile is very important is it makes things look much more professional for example issues looking at a music video advert in one font and colour and design and the digipak was in a different font colour and design it would look unprofessional, it would look as if the products have been rushed in the production and not properly thought through this gives a bad impression to the audience.
 A third reason why house style is very important is that if you have an advert and each pack is completely different to the song you are trying to sell it will give the buyer a false impression of what you're trying to sell for example, if the advert and digipak user graffiti style of text this would give the impression of urban music but then if the song it was trying to sell was classical it would not fit this gives a false impression to the audience.

So when designing did you digipak an advert we had to take into consideration the type of music we all trying to sell. In our case genre music is British urban, so our digipak and advert had to appeal to our target audience which are people between the age of 16 and 35 in a social demographic group of D, E. We believe this is our target audience because Mr music is aimed at a working-class group of people also believe it's quite a young adults type of music with the reference it makes to going out on the “Pull”. We also had to take into consideration trying to sell you against your main singer Sam Dempstar so on the front cover of our digipak we have a picture of Lucy and in the background on a bridge behind her Sam staring at her. Lucy is faded out of focus and Sam is in focus so draws your eye to Sam. On the next page there is a mid-range shot of Sam and on the next page over there is a mid-range of Lucy Sam comes for Lucy, in this case because Sam is the artist that we are trying to sell. Another reason for this is that study show that our eye is drawn to the right side of a two-page spread before we look at the left side.

We took pictures for our Digipak with the same camera reused in uneasy video for the stop frame animation “a Nikon on SLR camera” we did this because we wanted it to fit in with our music video in keeping with the house style.

 After designing Digipak we went on to design our advert we use the same colour base for advert as we did with Digipak we did this so we had a bit more of a house style so the audience can instantly recognise who the advert is for also be used the same kind of font in both pieces of media and a picture that we have in our music video so there is more recognisable the picture itself is of Sam Dempster so once again we are trying to sell his identity to the public to promote sales.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Evaluation question1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I think that or music video mostly conforms with the general convention of our chosen music genre which is British urban music the general conventions for this type of music is far shots train one dominant role normally shown as a working-class person in working-class locations. I think the video conforms to most of these general conventions because we filmed all of our shots in urban locations we also used our main actors Sam Dempstar and Lucy Hyner who both fit the look that we were trying to portray in our music video of being young and living in a working-class environment. Another way that I think are the video conforms to the general conventions of our chosen genre is that we have short shots as is quite fast paced song this is important because if we didn't the music video would look as if it did not fit with the song. One way I think we challenged the general conventions or chosen genre is that we show Sam Dempstar towards the end of the song is being quite vulnerable as he is stalking Lucy and obsessing over this is not commonly done our genre of music videos because the main singer is normally shown is quite dominant role with all the power also I think in our music video we go against the Laura Mulvey theory. This theory states that women are shown through the male eyes this means that women are normally wearing very little clothing and dancing in a seductive way. In our music video we challenge this music video theory because we portray Lucy as the person with all the power and Sam as the person that is in trouble and at the mercy of Lucy. In this music video we try to use a lot of wit this is not a common aspect seen music videos of this genre.

Another music video theory that control links with in a music video is the Andrew Goodwin theory this states that there are certain links between music videos and the song itself for example, if the song is singing about a man in a pub than more often than not there will be a man a pub in the music video. Also it states that if the song has quite fast rhythm to it then in the music video it is often fast paced with quite bright colours.

I think that the music video we have made conforms with this theory because there is quite a linear correlation between the song and the video we have produced for example in the song when Mike Skinner sings about drinking we show Sam Dempstar in a pub drinking alcohol. Another example of this is in uneasy video where Mike Skinner sings the line
 “Snaring you as you were standing there opposite
Whether or not you knew it I swear you didn't tick

we have Sam sitting across from Lucy on benches in a high Street, Sam is obviously looking at Lucy but Lucy seemed oblivious to this. This fits in very well with the Andrew Goodwin theory.

Friday 9 December 2011

Final Assembled Digipack

To view a larger copy of our digipak please click on the picture below and it will pop up.

production post 16

we started today's lesson only having the final part of the digipak to assemble and by the end of the lesson you finished the digital. All three pieces of media and this project is complete.we can now start the evaluation.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

finished advert for music media

this is finished advert from music video click on it to enlarge picture.

production post 15

In today's lesson we had a final big  push to finish our music video advert and managed to so now we have to do is put the final touches on the digipak so that we can be done and ready to start the evaluation.

Thursday 1 December 2011

production Post 14

today me Tom and Jack did not have a media studies lesson but we all had a free lesson coincided so we decided to spend it working on the advert as we think this is the weakest part of collection of media products.

we now think is video advert is looking very promising here's a picture of our as it stands now.