Monday 28 November 2011

production post 13

now we finished our video we can concentrate on our advert and digipak this lesson Me and Tom worked on the digipak while Jack worked on the advert

Friday 25 November 2011

production post 12

today all three of us decided to work on the music video as we think we could finish this lesson if we work hard and together as it was a double period and we decided that we'd was going to stay after school.we finished a music video at about 4.30 after-school hours, we're little scare just before we save the music video well before we have deleted it all out a scary 10 min it turns out that we are just pressed the wrong button and hidden sequence. Now that we finished our music video we can concentrate on digipak an advert.
we also managed to upload our video to our blogs this is a screenshot from my blog of my uploaded video.

job done!!

Our finished music video

Monday 21 November 2011

production post 11

today the group split up into three different parts I was working on editing process of the video and uploading the footage that the filming Kingston. Tom was working on the digipak with some of the pictures that we had taken in Kingston and Jack H was putting together the plan for the advert. I today's lesson was very productiveby splitting up into three groups we managed to tackle three different problems at once. while we did not finish any of them were made a good start on the Digi Pack and the advert and editing went well, we decided that we will be using this technique in the future.

Thursday 17 November 2011

production post 10

today was a whole day out and filmed in Kingston, the locations in Kingston we filmed was the high Street a small park that we found and by the riverside where there are some lovely views on great bridges. Today's and we got the majority of filming done and fairly certain that now we do not need to collect any more film and is merely a matter of editing altogether for the final product we also got some pictures by the Riverside as the sun was going down to go with the Digi Pack and advert.

Monday 14 November 2011

production post 9

this lesson we borrowed camera and tripod and one back down to the local kebab shop to refilm this whole section of footage I think films they were much better than it did last timeas he made a better use of the tripod the footage looks much more stable and professional also we have a better plan of what we were doing and where we went wrong last time.

Another section of film that we got today was an alleyway is a really nice piece of film was really interested shots. In this location we filmed for two different sections of the music video one being  one of the choruses and the song, and the other section was for the lines
" what do I give ****
I got friend anyway"
for this scene we've got Tom playing the white shirted man saying these lines and Sam getting very angry about this and having to be held back because he was going to hit Tom.

Thursday 10 November 2011

production Post 8

today we continued with the editing of the footage from Brighton and Grove Park is we're now about the third of the way through the editing process for this whole project i also planned with the other group members and our actors to going we filmed the kebabs shop as I thought it could be greatly improved and I know now what needs to be improved as another mistakes we made the first time we filmed. One of the biggest mistakes we made was trying to do overhead shot by hand-held shot looked very jumpy as if it was being filmed just an earthquake.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

production Post 7-the departure of Charlie Holt

today we uploaded the footage from Grove Park and the kebab shop.We also found out that one of our group members Charlie Holt had been excluded from school and was no longer taking part in the production of our music video. This is a big let down for us seeing as we were planning to use Charlies man's pub along the main locations and music video this is now no longer possible also means the worker should have originally been split between four people now needs to be completed by three so a lot more work is needed by the individual.

Friday 4 November 2011

production first 6

today we went out to film in Grove Park and the local kebab shop. I think the going today went very well we got a lot filmed that we needed to get filmed so we could progress with editing side of the process.

 also we got some beautiful stop frame animation is Sam and Lucy walking towards each other and of Sam and Lucy putting on scarves and coats. We also lots some nice shots of Sam walking into the kebab shop also Sam being pushed out the queue when he loses concentration when he is at staring at Lucy this fits very well for the lines we haven't song.